Thursday, September 30, 2010

Why is Waiting So Hard?

By the title you can see we are still waiting for a court date.  I look at the calendar and the time that has passed since our dossier arrived in Ghana and I realize we haven't been waiting all that long...really.  But it seems like an eternity.  The scary thing is we have a lot more waiting ahead of us.  Let me explain:

Once we go to court we WAIT for the adoption decree.
Then I most likely go back to Ghana and file the I600 and we WAIT for I600 approval (and the timeline for that is unknown right now because of changes)
Then we file for the Visas and we...yes you guessed it....WAIT for the Visas to be approved and printed

We really hope our WAITING is over by February or March at the latest but I guess we will just have to Wait and see.

Waiting is always going to be hard.. mainly because we want it and are ready for it to happen now, and by waiting, we worry that it won't come and that something will go wrong. We are trying not to forget to live in the meantime.  We know waiting for them will be worth it.  We also know the wait doesn't change the chances of it happening.  Yet we are still struggling with the wait and probably will all the way through until we are on a plane bringing A & J home.

In the meantime we are trying to keep busy (and we are!) so why is it so hard???  We have been working on remodeling A &J's bathroom.  I found out men get the nesting instinct too!!  Ha!  Here's proof:

Shower before the backer board was all plumbing!

Tile about half way up the wall

About 2/3 the way up the wall now....we went to the ceiling.

We grouted the tile a couple nights ago.  It looks great!  I will post a pic of the finished product later.  We now need to hand texture the ceiling, paint the ceiling, paint the walls, install some shelves where an old medicine cabinet was and the best part.....accessorize!  As soon as this project is finished we move on to A & J's bedrooms.  The fun part!

In the meantime I have to WAIT until we finish the bathroom before I start the bedrooms.

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