Friday, September 30, 2011

6 months home!

I can't believe our kids have been home 6 months.  In some ways it has been just a blink of an eye and in other ways it seems they have always been here so when I think about it only being 6 months it doesn't seem real. 

Abi and Joseph continue to do amazingly well.  In 6 months you can't even imagine the number of "firsts" they have experienced.  It's mind boggling.  But they continue to take things in stride and keep moving forward.  Now that doesn't mean they are perfect kids!  LOL!  They are normal kids with a lot of resiliency. 

Abi is starting to enter puberty and that is interesting with a girl......haven't been down that road before.  :)  It's made for some interesting moods and drama. 

Joseph has been struggling a little lately just letting go of me as his "Mommy" and not clinging so much.  We've had a few times where he tells the school nurse he is sick so he can come home or he cries and pouts if I am not home from work when him and Abi get home from school.  Seems like we've made some strides with this lately though.

Right now the toughest thing we are working through is how far behind in school Abi is.  It's super rough on her.  We work and work and work on it at home but don't feel like we make much head way.  The schools are frustrating at best!  She reads at a first grade level and she is in the 4th grade.  It's rough!!  We worked on it all summer and used resources the school gave us and they tested her this fall again and she hasn't made ANY progress.  Even her verbal language is coming really slow.  I keep waiting for that break through.

Joseph on the other hand is basically already at grade level.  He is one sharp little guy!  It just comes easier for him and I know that frustrates Abi.  Life lesson for her though right? 

So...... the first 6 months are behind us.  I don't think we had any kind of "honeymoon" period and essentially no hard adjustment issues.  :)

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