Well....our Dossier is finally on it's way to Ghana and should arrive there this week. We are so anxious to hear some news of a court date. We have been advised to be prepared to travel on short notice and we are ready to go as soon as we get the word! We have our vaccinations, our travel visas and lots of anticipation.
A and J are doing well. They have been moved to a smaller foster home and our being taken care of by "Auntie Ruth". This will give them a little more one on one care and some female nurturing until they can come home.
We made the decision this weekend to start working on their rooms very soon and start buying things they will need. We want to be ready if the process goes quick and if it has delays it will give us something in our home that feels like they are part of it. Also, we can take pictures and send to them via other families traveling to help give them the security of knowing their new home is waiting for them.
Can't post any pictures yet......but very soon.....after our court date.
Hey I just found your blog! We are adopting 2 kids from Ghana too! hOPE YOU get your court date soon! I'll be watching for your updates!